Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 1

Starting Weight: 142 lbs

Today was day 1 of 10 of my juice fast. Husband will start tomorrow and I will also update on how he feels and his weight loss as the days go on.

First off, we're using a Breville Juice Fountain Multi Speed. So far, it's awesome! Here's a pic of all the produce I bought today. I'm fairly certain the cashier thought I was nuts!

Juice #1: Mean Green. I halved the recipe.

-3 Kale stocks
-2 celery stocks
-1 cucumber
-2 green apple
-1/2 lemon
- ginger

Review: I liked this one a lot. The apple and lemon really help to dull the taste of the vegetables. This will probably become one I'll make each day.

Juice #2: Remembering your ABCs I added lemon to mine and doubled the recipe.
-2 apples
-4 carrots
-2 beets
-1/2 lemon

Review: This one was very 'earthy.' I'm not a fan of beets, so I knew I wouldn't really like it. It was bearable though, as the apple and lemon help. I'd like to find a different recipe that uses beets.

Juice #3: Original V-8

-1/2 green pepper
-2 carrots
-3 celery stalks
-1/2 cucumber
-2 handfuls parsley
-1 handful spinach
-3 tomatoes

Review: This one was not for me! I'm not a fan of raw tomatoes, so I was a little unsure of even trying this one. I might try it again adding an apple and taking out 1 tomato.

Juice #4: Citrus Pineapple. This is my own creation. *I made this and thought I'd drink it when the boys went to bed, but by that time I had a massive headache and couldn't even think about drinking it.

-1/2 grapfruit
-1 naval orange
-1 cup pineapple

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